2025 Vision: Building a More Connected and Compassionate World

December 31  

Two intention bracelets with circular metal rings with words inscribed; one says "be" and the other says "connect."

Two intention bracelets that I made and I've worn the past several years: one is about doing (Connect) and the other is about being (Be).

On November 30th, 2023, I created the first Social Seahorse Connections blog post.

It was supposed to be piece about doing, spotlighting someone creating connection and community – instead, it was about being.

Six days earlier, I had badly sprained both ankles and broken the left one while hiking. During my enforced period of immobility, I encountered this quote:

We have a tendency to think in terms of doing and not in terms of being.

We think that when we are not doing anything, we are wasting our time.

But that is not true.

Our time is first of all for us to be.

To be what?

To be alive, to be peaceful, to be joyful, to be loving.

And that is what the world needs most.

-Thich Nhat Hanh


Over a year later, with 35 posts published, a mailing list established, and readers sharing their Golden Connection experiences, it’s a good time to do a little reflecting.

In that first post, I wrote:

“While the goal of Social Seahorse Connections is to highlight those who are actively connecting and creating community, it all must be grounded in knowing that what we do flows out of who we are.”

“First, we must be.”

Since then, we’ve explored both doing and being because “Connecting is a doing action that both arises out of who we are and improves who we are by strengthening, enhancing, and adding new connections to others.”

We’ve explored both the serious and the silly.

We’ve looked at global impacts that can happen when people connect like:

We’ve showcased fun and silly ways to connect like:


We’ve talked about how “together is better,” improving our communities, making society better, and having fun while doing so.

Celebrating all the positive community creation happening in both small and big ways not only provides motivation and ideas we can implement, but also gives us hope.

The often unspoken goal of Social Seahorse Connections is to challenge ourselves to connect with others, reducing both individual and collective anxiety and depression, which are at crisis levels across the world.

The research is clear: Being connected to others in ways that create a sense of belonging is the best way to increase mental health and wellbeing.

The Future

So what does 2025 hold for us, Social Seahorses?

Certainly, more posts about people who make the world a more connected place.

Projects I’m working on in 2025 include:

  • Social Seahorse connection events – online and possibly in person
  • A Community Creation Package that leads one through hosting a local event
  • A gift book of Golden Connection Challenges

What would you add to this list?

Let me know what ideas you have for increasing community and connection in 2025.

One simple thing you can do is share this blog with others to increase social value in the new year.

Looking back at all the community and connection Golden Challenges from the start, what one connection act can you put into practice for the next year and reflect back on when 2025 wraps up?

Golden Connection Challenge:

Choose one connection act for the next year to commit to doing.

Share this blog with others to increase social value in the new year.

I’d love to hear about your experiences with a comment here or email me using the contact form.

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About the Author: Lisa Tussey

People who are making ordinary and extraordinary connections - connections that make the world a better place - inspire me to tell others about my experiences with them.

As a published author and social science researcher, connecting people to ideas, resources, and each other so that we can all live in community with a deep sense of belonging is at the core of my motivation, wanting to be a part of creating a world where everyone has a community of belonging where they feel seen, heard, and valued.